Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Well hello there!

The time has come. I've had quite a few people ask me recently why I don't have a blog so I've decided to avoid that question and start one so that I can keep track of all my inspirations, projects and recipes and have some sort of motivation to document my work and ideas. Before I dig myself in too deep, I want to clarify that "pretty" to me doesn't mean lacy or frilly or expensive...like a $400 handbag to put your miniature dog in. Pretty to me is simple. Elegant. Classy. "Pretty" can be repurposed, recycled or rediscovered. "Pretty" can be free. So can "nifty". (see below)

Here's the inspirational stumble-upon (no, not the website) "pretty nifty" situation I encountered today:

I found myself at a coffee shop while I was having some work done on our vehicle at a nearby auto shop. I was busily working through my crossword book in a comfy chair tucked back in the corner when an elderly man sat down at a small table with a box of Christmas cards and few books of stamps. His hair was neatly combed and he was sharply dressed, bundled up in a peacoat and one of those classy newsboy hats. He shakily began to attach a stamp to the corner of each envelope. I smiled to myself and was half-tempted to walk over and offer to buy him a cup of coffee when his wife came around the corner with a cup in each hand. They sat at the table sipping coffee and happily addressing and stamping the envelopes together and it warmed my heart. Straight up. I hope this is what I'm doing 50 or 60 years from now. I wish I had a quality photo of these two to share with you but I think you get the gist of it. 

I spend plenty of time browsing through magazines, books and the web looking for recipes and for neat ways to awesome-ize what I have, but what I love most is finding those simple things in everyday life that inspire me. 

Basically, I love craftiness and sharing ideas. When people ask me about something I've created or are willing to share something they've created with me, I get TOTALLY jazzed. Sharing ideas, in my humble opinion, is what art is all about. As an artist and designer, I feel some sort of weird obligation to make the world a niftier place....with wonderful things like good food and craftiness. I plan to use this blog as a vehicle for fulfilling that obligation. After all, what good is a neat thing if nobody ever gets to see it or taste it? And how large would I be if I didn't share the stuff I cook or bake? Let's just say it wouldn't be a good situation. Ok? Ok. Let's meet here often. Ok? Ok. 
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