Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Plot Twist!

The cupcakes pictured here are some raspberry lemonade ones I made for a farewell to summer get-together a few weeks ago. Farewell indeed! Fall made a pretty swift appearance and I'm totally fine with that as long as it sticks around for a little while! I've had a surprising number of messages inquiring where my cupcake recipes have gone. I have to say, I'm completely flattered and surprised to know that people are using my recipes on a somewhat regular basis! I've pulled them in hopes of starting up a little cupcake baking side business. I've really found a passion in baking, cupcakes in particular. I call it my carb therapy ... and luckily I don't even have to eat one for it to be effective or I'd have to be a marathon runner to offset my calorie intake. Cupcakes and crappy days just don't do together ... unless in reverse order.

Once I pulled all my cupcake recipes, I realized that the majority of my posts were, in fact, cupcake recipes. This means some exciting changes are in store for my blog! I hope to start featuring some posts of before and after projects of our home renovation (by FAR my largest undertaking since growing a human), some of my DIY projects, and of course, recipes will still be part of the mix. It'll be transitioning into what it was intended to be in the first place (hence the name Pretty.Nifty.Tasty). It may be a little slow going at first but my goal is to create a new post at least bi-monthly. Life has been SO busy over the past several months but with our home reno coming to a close, I'm hoping to be able to devote a little time to my passion projects and share them with all of you! Stay tuned! Pin It Now!